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What’s New at Eyewear Gallery

Stay ahead with the latest in eye care at Eyewear Gallery. From breakthrough technologies to informative articles, this space keeps you updated on all that's evolving in the world of vision health. Explore our updates and stay informed for the best care your eyes deserve.

Demystifying Dry Eye: Why It’s a Bigger Concern for Women

Dry eye syndrome poses a significant challenge, particularly for women. This Women's Eye Health and Safety Month, join Eyewear Gallery as we explore why women are more susceptible and offer gentle guidance for managing this condition.

Current Glaucoma Treatment Options

January is National Glaucoma Awareness Month. Glaucoma affects between 3 and 4 million Americans and is the number two cause of preventable blindness worldwide. About 50% of patients with glaucoma are currently undiagnosed. It is sobering to think about how many of you reading this article right now currently have...